For details on our refund deadlines and policies, please refer to the information below. Please note that our policies differ between subscription payments and one-time payments made for course may vary from one offering to another. Similarly, we have no obligation to offer late refunds to users who do not receive a passing mark in a Content Offering, or who are otherwise unsatisfied with their final grade.
For Month-to-Month Subscriptions
IVYY does not offer refunds for payments made on a month-month subscription plan. To avoid being charged during a free trial promotion, you must cancel your subscription before your free trial ends.
If you complete a course during the free trial period, IVYY reserves the right to require you to pay for a one-month subscription in order to receive a course and/or specialization certificate.
Your subscription will continue on a month-to-month basis unless and until you cancel or the subscription is suspended or discontinued by IVYY. For subscriptions to individual specializations, IVYY will automatically discontinue your subscription at the end of the monthly period during which you earn a specialization certificate for the specialization, unless you have subscribed through a third party marketplace that restricts our ability to do so — e.g., in-app purchases through the Apple App Store.
Please visit the third party marketplace for information regarding their policies. You must cancel your subscription before your monthly renewal date to avoid the next billing.
If you cancel your subscription, cancellation will be effective at the end of the current monthly period; you will continue to have access to your subscription for the remainder of that period, but you will not receive a refund.
For IVYY Plus
To get a full refund of your IVYY Plus subscription payment, submit a refund request via the within 14 days of your payment. Refunds will not be provided if requested after this 14-day period.
Some IVYY Plus subscriptions may have a free trial period instead of a refund period. If you do not cancel during the free trial, you will be billed the full amount for the subscription you signed up for and be unable to request a refund.
Your IVYY Plus subscription will continue for the subscription period identified at the time of your purchase and then automatically renew unless and until you cancel your subscription or the subscription is suspended or discontinued by IVYY.
If you cancel your subscription after the refund period of your subscription, you will continue to have access until the end of the subscription period and will not be billed for the next billing cycle.
For Regular Courses
In order to withdraw from the regular classes, 3 weeks advance notice to the administration is required. This should be communicated via
Payment for the next term should be done 1 month in advance. Failure to pay by the date mentioned will automatically block the access to e-learning platform as well as removal from the respective batch. Should the student wish to continue, registration fee has to be paid again as this will be considered as a new registration.
If you are withdrawing from the course after 1 week from the date of enrollment, 5% from the package amount that was paid as fees will be deducted.
If you are withdrawing midway through the course, 50% on the remaining unused hours will be deducted and the balance will be refunded. You should provide details of your bank account after which we will settle the balance .
If you pre-enroll ,pay for a course and do not wish to continue with the course, IVYY will offer you a complete refund.